All About Inspector Mage
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About the Books

The Beginning of Inspector Mage

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The Inspector Mage Trilogy

“Fans of young adult mystery novels are in luck! Author Aleese Hughes has created a genre-bending new series that combines elements of fantasy with romance, murder-mystery, and plenty of adventure to keep you on the edge of your seat.” -Best Fantasy Novels

The Inspector Mage Trilogy is a YA Fantasy Murder Mystery series. It is set in a world very similar to our 1920s America, but there is one significant difference… magic exists.

Book One

Inspector Mage: Blood on the Floor is available now!

Book Two

Inspector Mage: The Hanging Priest is available now!

Book Three

The third installment will be available in 2025.

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The Beginning of Inspector Mage

Aleese Hughes has always loved reading. But there are only two genres that take her heart completely: fantasy and murder mystery. Since Aleese was a little girl, she had always wanted to create an epic story that combined the two. After many years and after publishing six books, she finally decided to set her mind to it. And that’s when Inspector Mage came to light.

Author Q&A

How do you get inspired to write? 

This is a loaded question. I believe writing and creating stories has always been a noble thing to do. Can you imagine what our world would be like without these stories? I think it would be pretty dull. Since the beginning of time, people have found entertainment and solace in stories, whether it was a tale told by their grandfather at the campfire, an ancient Greek play, or a best-selling book.

I guess I’ve always felt a pull toward a writing career. There’s something special about creating characters that can become real people to my readers. I like to make people feel something when they read–just how I want to make people feel something when I’m on stage performing. The arts exist, in my opinion, to bring people the deep emotions they need to experience to relate with the rest of humanity.

I guess, to answer this question, I feel grateful to be one among the many to bring such joy to the world. If I can bring a single smile to someone’s face, all the time I’ve spent writing is worth it.

How did you get the Inspector Mage idea? 

I’ve always known I wanted to write a series that combined my two favorite genres: fantasy and murder mystery. It wasn’t until I wrote six other books that had nothing to do with it before I felt ready to approach the concept. Russell was a whole other project in himself. I knew I wanted a talented and clever detective in my story. Russell is both of those things, but I was pleased to see his character change as I wrote the story. He can be harsh and arrogant, but he has a soft side he doesn’t allow many people to see. I’m excited to share his character arc with you all in the following two books.

Julie is an anxious person. She is intelligent and adventurous, but social situations and shame take her over in ways that can become crippling. If I’m honest, I took a lot of my own feelings and experiences and applied them to Julie’s character. I resonate with her on a deep level, and I know others out there do as well.

We’ll see where the story goes! I have a pretty good idea of how it will end, but I won’t divulge any of that.

What is the first book you ever read? 

I picked up the first Harry Potter book when I was just five years old. I don’t even remember learning how to read–my parents tell me I was quick and picked it with no issue. I tore through those Harry Potter books as they each came out. That series is what made me want to become an author. I wanted to make people feel the way J.K. Rowling made me feel with those stories.

What is your favorite book? 

This is a tricky question. My favorite book would probably be one written by Brandon Sanderson. If I had to pick one of his books as my favorite, it would be The Way of Kings. That book is a masterpiece. There’s no other word for it.

Will you be writing more after The Inspector Mage Trilogy is finished? 

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! I have so many ideas and outlines prepped and ready to go for more stories. I never want to stop writing!

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Signed Copy of Book One (Paperback)

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Signed Copy of Book Two (Paperback)

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