Remember the Good

Especially during these crazy times, it can be easy to think “doom and gloom” a little too much. Yes, we should remain aware of what is going on around us and prepare ourselves for hard things to happen, but I think it’s just as important to learn to be happy in the lives we lead.


Now, I am by no means perfect. And sometimes, I feel inadequate… as a wife, mom, an author, performer…


I have dealt with depression and anxiety for most of my life. That is not something I like to admit to people. There have been times where I feel better and happy. And there have also been times where I relapse. It can get bad. I want to tell you guys a story…


Being pregnant with my oldest wasn’t easy. My second was pretty terrible, as well, but my first was the worst.  I was sick the entire time and had a few scary hospital trips. There were times I thought living wasn’t worth it. But there’s more… Post-partum depression. It is so real, guys. When Gwen was born, I was VERY happy, and everything I had gone through was so worth it, but within the next couple weeks, everything felt bleak. I couldn’t find joy in anything I was passionate about, and I was sad about things I had lost. My body was different, I hadn’t been on stage for months, and I just didn’t feel like myself. The only thing that literally kept me alive was my love for my daughter and husband. That is so hard for me to admit.


Depression isn’t the only thing that can be so debilitating. Those of you who have had anxiety attacks know that you feel your brain is failing, and you feel a constant exhaustion. Your heart hurts and your fear extends to more than just the small things… Sometimes you feel as if you’re dying.


Fast forward to now, I am doing SO much better! I got help. I feared that people would judge me if they knew what was going on, but I was so wrong. I needed and still need a support system! If any of you are struggling with anything similar, I am SO sorry! From the bottom of my heart, I feel for you! Please know that there is help out there.


All of this leads me to the point I want to make in this post. Whenever I am dealing with depression or having an anxiety attack, I go to my mother. She always says the same thing, “Take one day at a time.” She reminds me to remember that there’s an end to everything and that I should “remember the good.” Today, I am going to write about five things I am grateful for. 😀


1. My husband

Aaron is my rock. Without him, I would fall apart. He reels me back in when I’m too worried or anxious, he never fails to comfort me when I need it, and he makes me feel beautiful. Almost every night, Aaron whispers to me, “Aleese?” I turn to him and answer, “Yes?” He looks at me with a sparkle in his eyes and says, “You’re amazing, and I love you very much.” <3 <3

Aaron is not only my best friend, but he is an angel. He is so selfless, and we always have fun together! I am a very lucky woman.


Oh, my goodness… my love for my children grows every day! I can’t believe they’re mine! Both of their happiness is infectious and touches the hearts of everyone around them.

I truly believe that through my writing and performing on stage, God wants me to find ways to be a light in this world. But not only that, He gave me talents and passions that He knew, once I honed and utilized them, it would be good for me.


4. The Gospel

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon). The Gospel has blessed me in more ways than I can explain. The Lord has been with me through every trial and has walked alongside me through all my joys. I don’t know who I’d be or where I’d be without my faith.

I challenge all of you to write down at least four things you are grateful for when you’re feeling down. I know it has helped me immensely. 

Thank you for reading!

-Aleese Hughes